Monday, June 14, 2010

Wishlist 6.14.10

Two prints from one of my favorite Etsy artists, ashleyg , on my wishlist today...
I'd Rather Be Thrifting $20

Trust Your Instincts $20

I think both are completely appropriate for my office at work :)


Tiffany said...

I like the "I'd rather be thrifting".

Peace, Love and Chocolate

Jennifer said...

I was just checking out Etsy this morning. Great picks. I especially like the 'Trust your instincts'! :)

Anonymous said...

"i'd rather be thrifting" made me laugh.
i'm sure your office will look lovely :)

Ellen at The Raven and the Cellar Door

Sam said...

Very cool - I'm a fan! I'm particularly taken with her colour choices - she has a real sophisticated eye for colour in my opinion!

drollgirl said...

these are SO CUTE!

and at first i thought print #2 said "thrust your instincts." what is wrong with me?!

S and O said...

that first piece certainly says it all :)
have a lovely day!


Learning Spanish at 41 said...

Like both but the thrifting one wins the prize! Just found your blog tonight, and visited your Etsy shop (cute!)

Sharon Lei said...

Great prints. :)

xx Love & Aloha

dulci said...

haha - I'd DEFINITELY rather be thrifting :)

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