Monday, September 20, 2010

Southern Flourish + Plate Walls

I'm excited to announce that I am a contributor for the fall issue of Southern Flourish.  I was asked to write an article about a topic I've been blogging about for some time - plate walls!

I'm really pleased with how the article turned out and I appreciate this lovely lady for asking me to participate.  Check out the full issue here.  I'd love to know what you think! 


  1. Yah!
    I always think of you when I come across a plate wall!!

  2. I'm going to be doing a plate wall soon...and sometimes I just don't even know where to start! Love the photos.

  3. Great job Christina! I could really hear your writing voice throughout the piece.

  4. woo hoo congrats! i always come back to you when I need some wall plates inspiration :)

  5. I love plate walls and getting the chance to display many of my grandmothers beautiful old plates. Love that freeform display in the top pic :)

  6. You did such a great job! Thanks so much for writing such a lovely article for the mag. XOXO

  7. Great job! I collect odd shaped mirrors and display them this way. I just love collections like this.

  8. Congratulations, If I only I could find some that I really love to display

  9. Congrats on the feature. I love how you wrote about your love for plate walls!

  10. Yay, this is so exciting! Beautiful article, Christina. And I love the picture of you and B in the contributors section.

  11. how are you?

    Thanks for writing this blog, loved reading it


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