Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Weekend!

 What are you doing this weekend?  B and I are going out of town to celebrate my niece's 6th birthday (how did she get so big?!).  I'm hoping to snag some time to catch up on some much missed blog reading and maybe even relax a little.    I'm slowly adjusting to my new job and the change of pace and trying to figure out how to achieve balance again.  This weekend, I hope to taking advantage of the beautiful weather, relaxed tempo, and joyful celebration of a young birthday.   I hope you have a good one!

image: marc johns


  1. my Niece will be 5 Dec 26th - i wanna HAULT everything about her now - she's SO tall and smart - enjoy ur bundle of sunshine!

    *kiss kiss*
    Happy Weekend
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. YAY!!! Happy birthday to the beautiful little one!!! My little man turns 4 today ;) xoxoxox

  3. hope you have a chance to relax and catch your breath this weekend!

    achieving balance with life, new job, new husband, plus blog and shop isn't easy! but if anybody can do it it is YOU!

  4. Hope you have a great weekend!! I'm just back in from a long walk with the dogs, lurvely :) If you're fancying a new read please pop by my site I'd love to know what you think.


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