Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello Rue!


The first issue of Rue is out, and I have to say, the lovely ladies behind this new online mag did a fantastic job.  It's lovely to see what a few bloggers can do when they put their minds and passion together. Wow! 
images: Rue


  1. Oh yes!! I love rue. They did a fantastic mag!!!! Xx callie

  2. What a great mag, thanks for introducing me to it x

  3. It's wonderful!! Need that chest for my it!

  4. Don't you love it? With every page I "turned" I was more and more impressed. Although I love digital magazines and the benefits they hold, I do love old fashioned print and would be delighted if they did this someday!

  5. Very beautiful! I love these photos

  6. Thanks for info. I had not heard of Rue until now.


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