Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lace Up Boots for Fall

B's birthday is coming up and I bought him a pair of fantastic lace up boots (yes, I should win wife of the year, I know) and when they arrived, I decided I need some lace up boots for fall.  If his boots would fit me, I'd simply wear them, but I figure it's not much of a birthday gift if I end up using them.  Here are some of my favorites:

Hannah Lace Up Boots $184.99/ Melissa Tall Lace Up Boot $397.95

Romance Lace Up Heel $143/ Lace-up Tread Bottom Bootie Heel $68
Meteor Shower Lace Up Suede $154/ Peroxy $119

So many options, how does one choose?


  1. i'm not a fan - i dunno what it is - but i just don't like em' at all .. *sorry*

  2. Yes I love lace up boots. They look really cute with skirts, or tight jeans. I bought this pair on clearance at Zappos when it was the end of the season
    and I'm excited now I can wear them.

  3. oh you are wife of the year!

    i love all of those options. wish i would have thought about this about 2 months ago so that i would have saved up better. story of my life.

  4. erika- no need to apologize for not liking them. they're a style that's definitely grown on me.

  5. I like these boots, but I'm not sure how would I feel having to lace them up every time I wear them! (I'm a bit lazy you know) ;) xo

  6. I love lace up boots! I used to clomp around in combat boots in my late teens. I had 2 pairs, regular black ones and a super cool tan suede pair from Desert Storm! They are way to clunky for me to think about wearing now but I have been searching for a more feminine substitute for years! I always felt like I could take on any challenge wearing my lace ups!

  7. I like the booties - the ankle boot has really grown on me this past year and it is all I want to buy for fall!

  8. I love all of these, especially the really tall ones. Another blog (can't remember which!) posted a pair of FRYE lace up mid-calf boots. Swoon.

  9. I just bought the Abee's by Steven for SM...a nice black option! I love them the have distressed look.I have ALWAYS liked lace ups,glad they are getting the kind of props that they desreve right now!


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