Thursday, September 2, 2010

Photography: At the beach

This time next week, B and I will be at the beach and I can't wait! I may not look as lovely as these ladies while I'm there but there's something about the ocean, sand and a slight tan that makes me feel fresh and beautiful.  Maybe it's all the margaritas going to my head.  Either way, watch out ocean! I'm coming for you. 

images: 1) fetie 2) let's explode 3) Maggie Lochtenburg 4) via the alternative wife (original source unknown) 


  1. Just make sure you have oil for your skin...a little tan needs lots of oil.....

  2. have so much fun at the beach! this pasty white girl did not see one grand of sand this summer....

  3. Love the pictures, hope you have an amazing time!


  4. oh such pretty pictures. have fun at the beach.

  5. i'm convinced that you'll look just lovely christina! will it be your honeymoon? have a wonderful wedding and trip, we're looking forward to hearing all about it afterwards!

    ps. i read your post about your mum. it sounds difficult and i'm glad you've got people around you that support you! hoping for the best - for your mum, for you and for your family.
    hugs, t

  6. great shots and I'm sure you'll look equally as gorgeous! I love the seaside and hope to one day live near one. :)

  7. great shots and I'm sure you'll look equally as gorgeous! I love the seaside and hope to one day live near one. :)

  8. These pictures are really lovely. I've got beach fever myself. It seems like everybody is going to the beach next week but me. Ah well, I'll make my own little beach getaway in the backyard!

  9. Goodness. You deserve it. There is nothing like the beach, those healing waves, and YES--margaritas! Can't wait to see pics. :)

  10. Love, love, love these pretty! I miss the beach so much! I want to fit in at least one more visit before summer ends.

  11. Lovely photos! Who says summer is over? Enjoy the beach, you lucky duck!

  12. gorgeous pictures!!! i have only been to the beach once, and i fell in love!!

  13. countdown! lucky you! i bet you cannot wait!!!!

  14. These photos are far too awesome! I can't believe your day is already here!! TOMORROW!! eek - so exciting.

    Wishing you all the best, Christina. I can't wait to hear about it, post honeymoon!


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