Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Weekend

Well, B and I are getting married next Tuesday (did time fly or what?).  I'll be out of town this weekend relaxing with some girlfriends, Monday is Labor Day, Tuesday we get married and Wednesday we're off to the beach!  I've talked some very talented bloggers into helping me out on D&OC while I'm gone next week and I think you're going to enjoy the variety and topics for the guest posts.  As much as I love you all, I'm going to relish a break sans computer.
I'm nervous and excited and overwhelmed and overall I'm just really wanting life to get back to normal.  I promise to take lots of pictures to share with you.  This is my first time away from the blog since I started it in January of '09.  Needless to say, I think I'm going to miss you.
p.s. I'll announce the giveaway winner on Monday.  You can enter here.

image: kristin nohe (seen on pikaland)


  1. I wish you all the best, Christina! You deserve to be VERY happy!!!!

  2. You have a fantastic week ahead! I hope you enjoy every minute of it! I just recently found your blog, but I love it! Congratulations!

  3. oh my goodness!!!!! Have the best week of your life!! So happy for your Christina! <3 Anna

  4. WOW, Congrats Christina! I've been gone a while with the baby here now, so I'm catching up with everyone now. Have so much fun, can't wait for some pictures!

  5. Congratulations, have the most wonderful day! Janell

  6. so excited for you! can't wait to see pictures. i know you will be a BEAUTIFUL bride!!

  7. awwww..well congrats, and i wish you guys the best...who will do the entertaining while your away!

  8. Congratulations, TANTI AUGURI E TANTA FELICITA'

  9. Congrats!!! Enjoy your day & time off!! :)

  10. Congratulations! Have a blast, and we'll all be here waiting to hear all about it when you get back!

    Make sure you head over to Real Moms Real Views and enter the give away for one of my personalized piggy banks!

  11. Yay! I'm so excited for you! I really hope your wedding and honeymoon getaway are just as wonderfully fabulous as you are! Can't wait to see the pics!

  12. congratulation Christina, what a big day! Enjoy your time off :)

  13. Good luck and congratulations - what an exciting few days you have coming up! enjoy the computer hiatus & more importantly your honeymoon!

  14. ohmigoodness ohmigoodness! congrats!!!!!!! i am so very excited for you :) it will be just lovely. praying it will be a wonderful and memorable time for you next week. see you when you get back! xo.

  15. Congratulations in advance! Have a wonderful time!

  16. how exciting! congrats and have a FABULOUS time :)

  17. congrats!! hope you have a beautiful wedding and a relaxing weekend!

  18. Congrats! Have an amazing time and savor every moment.

  19. Ooooooh! Good luck and congratuations sweetie!!!! Have a wonderful time and take lots of photos for us!!! XOXO's

  20. Wish you the best! You've got some awesome busy days ahead of you!!

  21. Congratulations Christina - hope you have the most beautiful day!
    Enjoy every second of your computer break.
    Can't wait to see photos when you get back.

    Lots of love + happy wishes to you both!

  22. Its the 7th your time right now ;) thinking of you!!! Today is a beautiful day!

    love you!!!! xoxoxoxooxox

  23. Next Tuesday, as in TODAY??? Christina!! Congratulations!!


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