Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wishlist 9.1.10

On my wishlist for B...

I'm loving these new ties from Canadian company Dolbeau.  I think they'd be perfect on B and they're completely customizable.  Dobleau offers free shipping to the U.S. and Canada and there's a current  20% discount with code "SAYHELLO." On a side note, when did my wishlist include items for B?  Huh. Maybe I like the ties so much, I want one for myself? 

images: Dolbeau 


  1. my mom (for whatever reason) used to have some ties just like this... vintage! i need to search and see if i can find them. so many great things i could do with them!!

  2. Love these! Now if my husband could wear ties. ;)

  3. Thanks so much for writing about us! We really appreciate it. I'm sure B will too :)

    We plan to release new styles regularly, so check back soon!

    - David from Dolbeau

  4. so cute! and if your man will wear these you have ONE FASHIONABLE MAN!

  5. these are great! I may have to choose a couple for my man since he wears a tie everyday! :)

  6. these are fantastic! would love to tie around my head as a headband!!


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