Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Weekend

Oh friends, I am so ready for fall and for this weekend.   My one goal is to rest up as I"ve been battling some sort of strange infection and I've yet to receive definitive results from my doctor(s) as to what it could be (in the running is staph infection...eewww).  I have every intention to give my body the rest it deserves and needs right now so that I can start feeling normal again. What are your plans?  Anything fun? 

p.s. I love this menswear look with the vintage style glasses and long hair (grow hair, grow!). 

image via wolf and willow


  1. FEEL BETTER! - soak up and enjoy your resting!!!

  2. hope you get well soon darling! I'm trying to get my hair grow too! happy weekend!

  3. Your blog is so inspirational! Get well soon and happy weekend to you as well <3

    Kisses from France!

  4. Lovelovelove that look!

    I'll be celebrating two spectacular friends' bdays in San Francisco this lovely weekend :)

    [Feel better!]

  5. ohhh i love it too! so masculine and feminine at the same time!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick Christina :( Do take care of yourself dear girl, and keep us posted. You can't see my furrowed brow, but I'm worried. Enjoy your weekend - get plenty of rest, including lots of snuggle time with that new husband and your sweet dogs.

  7. Oh, I love this look too! So glad I found your blog ~ now a follower! Feel better.


    November Grey

  8. oh no! Hope it doesn't get too bad. Have a good rest of your weekend :)

  9. icky infections. hope it leaves you soon! love those glasses too...i'm thinking i need an eye~glass makeover. i only wear glasses now and then and for seeing better farther away, but if i had a pair like that, i'd wear them much more often ;)

  10. Ugh. Hope you feel better soon.

    Love the photo, too. Nerdy but somehow attractive at the same time.

  11. Poor you! That's terrible. Lots of sleep. It's the only way.

    And how come I don't look as good in menswear as this girl here? Oh wait - because I'm not a 6 feet tall, size 0, exception to most of nature's laws *ohwell!*

  12. hope you got plenty of rest this weekend and that you are feeling better!

    and this chick has an awesome look. love it!


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