Monday, September 27, 2010

Diana Mini Round II

If you recall, I've recently attempted to try my hand at lomography and I've started with the Diana Mini.   I recently shot two rolls and only a handful of photos came out.  The others, including photos of our honeymoon, were terribly overexposed or just plain white because I accidentally had the shutter mode set to "b" which allowed too much light in (so many things to think about before taking a shot!). Very, very disappointing and kind of a dumb idea on my part to depend on a finicky camera and my lack of skills to document our beach trip (what was I thinking?).   I'm not giving up though!  I will NOT be defeated by a piece of plastic. 
You can see the rest of my attempts on my flickr page if you feel so inclined. 

images: D&OC


  1. I've started chanting 'N not B' to myself everytime I carry around my holga or diana - I made the exact same mistake with both of them the first few times I used them!

    These photos are gorgeous though, I love how the photos from diana mini's look, so pretty!

  2. ooh, they're very cool though. love the first one.

  3. Your photos are lovely!

    I think everyone has a horrible first roll experience, sort of like the sacrificial first pancake that never comes out right.

    It's just a shame it had to be photos of your honeymoon! Congrats by the way.

    Elle x

  4. i LOVE the first shot!

    and i LOVE your perseverance! you will master this. YOU WILL!

  5. I love the third one, so pretty! I still have this camera on my wish list...

  6. I shoot lomography a lot. Most of the time, 1/2 the photos turn out. It is still a fun hobby, though!

  7. I definitely feel so inclined to peer at your flickr page! It's always a struggle at the beginning with new cameras, I find. It's like starting a new relationship - getting to know each other's temperaments, knowing what you both like, etc etc. I enjoy the graininess of the photos!

  8. great shots! I love the colours, especially the flowers.

  9. i think they're cool! the third one with the white flowers is pretty... keep trying, you're already on your way to beat the plastic =)

  10. Yay Diana! I lovelove my Mini :)

    Great shots, I hope you have fun with her!

  11. Lomography is super hit-or miss (at least for me). But I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit. These are lovely. I absolutely love the shot "18".

  12. The ones that came out came out really well. I assumed they were from some artist you were featuring.


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