Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mini Designer Chairs

What's a girl to do when she loves good design, but can't afford the designer chair of her dreams?  Well, two things: start saving AND perhaps buy some mini designer chairs from Poketo!  You could put it on your desk as constant motivation as to why you're saving for said chair, plus miniatures are just plain fun.

The Mini Designer Blind Box Chairs come in a series of 3 (each series has 9 chairs) and when you purchase one for $12, you get a surprise 4" scale chair.  When I was a little girl, I really wanted a dog but my parents wouldn't let me. Instead, my mom went out and bought me a Littlest Pet Shop featuring a puppy.  NOT the same, but I did love that little plastic pooch.  You catching my drift?

p.s. Poketo has a diffusion line coming to Target Aug 10th! Should be interesting.
images: Poketo


  1. i spot many eames like chairs! love it!

  2. I definitely want some sort of wacky modern chair like this for my new place!! They look so cool!!

  3. my boss has all these minatures in his office. i was wondering where he got them ...

    happy wednesday,

  4. I just love these minis and a little wall display with floating shelves and all of these chairs would look so cute! ; )

  5. Too cute.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  6. these are so too cute! i would love to get my hands on these for a kids room!!

  7. oh id love to have a whole house filled with designer chairs :)

  8. ohhh my these are fantastic. Would put these on my desk! I used to have Littlest Pet Shop too! I finally was allowed to get a real dog;)

  9. now if you can find me a great MCM doll house for my, ahem, miniature collectible chairs, we're all set!

  10. I am obsessed with these little chairs! When Urban Outfitters used to have them, half the boxes would already be opened, which was a shame but it helped me round out my collection without doubles.

  11. I could finally own a Panton chair.

  12. So cool - I love the 'life-size' versions, but the fact that they're just mini makes them even more fun!

  13. Very cool little modern chairs, and so much more affordable than the Vitra miniatures!

  14. I have been downright OBSESSING over these ever since you posted them. I added them to my blog's "wishlist' and am hoping the wishlist fairy takes notice. :)

  15. love those minis! great for adults or my niece ;) would have loved those in my dollhouse...

    btw, when I wanted a dog, my mom got me a book with lots of colorful dog photos. lol.


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