Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thank You Southern Flourish!

Huge thank you to Southern Flourish Magazine for featuring D&OC in a new series on their blog!
I  responded to a few questions regarding my Southern experience and I touch on topics such as:
-being raised by Puerto Rican, former New Yorkers in the South (how's that for a mixed cultural bag?)
-my favorite places in the South to visit and my favorite Southern traditions
-3 blogs I CANNOT live without (ok, we all know I could live without blogs, but I'd be terribly uninspired).
Check out the interview here!


  1. Wow, congratulations on being featured!

  2. oooh congrats on being interviewed!!!

  3. How exciting! I love you 3 fav blogs - I love finding great new {to me} blogs.

  4. I will have to go read this!

  5. Yay, congrats on the awesome feature! I didn't know your degree was in Art. When do we get to see some of your work? (aside from your lovely jewelry, of course!)


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