Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Interiors: Simple Wooden Desk

I adore simple wooden desks for home work spaces.  They're look great in almost any room and if you know a carpenter (or are savvy enough to make one on your own), you can have the desk made to your own specifications.  I like them best as seen above: simple, uncomplicated, functional and small. A perfect spot for catching up on all those letters that need to be written...

images: Indenfor (via Morning's Light )


  1. today I'm greedy!!! I want them both!!!!!!:)....even when my house would fit in number 1;)!!!

    Sweet greetings

  2. these are lovely! i would adore having my home look like this!

  3. I love the desk in that first photograph in particular....

  4. Omg. It's like you're in my brain for that first one.

  5. I love the look of the simple old wooden desk as well - I have a crappy IKEA desk but I'm on the online hunt for a lovely used wood one!


  6. I saw you over at Maria's blog - dreamy whites - on her sidebar...and it looks like I have a lot to look at here!! i too love a simple desk - and actually just bought a wax and seal set for my excited...

  7. Very nice wooden desks! Love the rustic vibe it brings to a room, and if paired with nice hardwood floors, even better ;) thanks for sharing!

  8. That shelving unit on number one is out of this world!

  9. I think I'd be much better about writing if I had a nice wood desk. (Yes, and I like simple ones, too, not some big carved monster.)

  10. ooh gorgeous. i've just brought myself a simple wooden desk so this is perfect inspiration for how to dress it...

  11. #2, por favor! i just love it. perfecto.

    my dad is a carpenter. he made a rocking chair for each of his 4 kids a couple of christmases ago. it is amazing. when wood is well done, it is really hard to beat! and when it is old and tattered it still has loads of charm.


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