Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy (Holiday) Weekend

I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the three day weekend.  I think our local coffee shop switched out our normal blend with decaf because I have been exhausted these past few days (and I'm not kidding, the coffee is not the same)!  Anyway, my weekend plan includes adding some bird hairpins to the shop in a variety of fun colors, sleeping, cleaning, sleeping, reading, watching some fireworks, and sleeping.  Have I mentioned that I plan on sleeping?  Like the quote above states, I plan on much happiness this weekend. I hope you do too.
p.s. have you entered the giveaway yet?
p.p.s. since writing this post I have been able to verify that the coffee we recently had ground and that I've been drinking for the past two days is indeed DECAF! If my good friend didn't manage that coffee shop, I'd ring that barista's neck in a heartbeat. Cruel, cruel world.

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  1. oh this is a great quote! hope you have a fabulous long weekend, darling! xo

  2. So true!..I plan on extricating happiness while spending time with my boyfriend and family.

  3. sounds like a marvelous weekend! haha, sleeping is always fun. ;) see u next week! xo.

  4. Hope your long weekend is very very happy & full of sleep :) I love your new bio photo btw!
    xo Mary Jo

  5. Love the quote and your weekend sounds heavenly! Have a good one and sweet dreams! : )

  6. Wonderful quote. So very true. Great pic to
    go with it. Happy Long Weekend!

  7. 3-day weekend! gah! you must be stoked! i am too! and this work day CANNOT end soon enough!

    i hope you have a fab weekend, and that you catch up on sleep! and i am sure you will be adding some real live caffeine to the mix as soon as possible!!! :)

  8. Oh my goodness! Getting sneaky decaf is my worst nightmare! This is gonna make me paranoid enough to say to my baristas: "Are you SURE this is regular?? Can you add a shot or two just to make sure??" ha!

    I've been known to order a shot of espresso with my regular (large) coffee and pound the espresso before drinking my coffee on especially slow mornings. Totally works.

  9. That's tuuurible! I don't drink much coffee, but I have to have 1 cups every morning or I am never awake.

    I once tried a detox and didn't have any caffeine for 2 days and wanted to kill someone!

    Have a great 3 day weekend. :)

  10. That quote is all kinds of awesome and SO true!

    Decaf?! Eeek! I don't think the stuff has ever passed my lips.

    Happy 4th of July!

  11. Great weekend inspires... love the happiness quote especially. Hope you're having an awesome 4th!♥

  12. Maybe now that you're back on the caffeinated coffee you won't need to sleep and can be super productive. Have a great weekend...Carol

  13. Maybe now that you're back on the caffeinated coffee you won't need to sleep and can be super productive. Have a great weekend...Carol

  14. My foot would be so far up that barista's a** for making a mistake like that. I hope you're getting some much-needed rest this weekend. I feel like you. My summer is constant activity and commitments, and although I'm enjoying it, in a way I can't wait until August (which thus far has nothing scheduled). Happy 4th girlie!


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