Friday, July 2, 2010

Wishlist 7.2.10

Stamps are such an easy way to add panache to a package.  I like these two options from Olive Manna.  I can't decide which one I like best, so both are going on my wishlist.

{images via olive manna, bunting stamp seen on paper n stitch}


  1. I like stamps too. So much fun to use....

  2. I like the garland stamp best! I got tons of stamps! Whenever I go to Michael's craft store I gotta pick up stamps! =)

    Hey girl I'm also running a giveaway at my blog.Give it a look if you get a chance! =) Happy 4th!
    iitala Essence Set of Two Champagne Flutes

  3. I love stamps too, so much! Those are both really cute . . . man, bunting is just showing up everywhere these days.

  4. stamping is sooooooooooo much fun! I wish I took time out to do it more, even the simple cards as you pictured here, are lovely!

  5. ohhhhhh these are super cute! Love the little thanks yous!

    ps.... love you lady!!

  6. i love stamps! i think i'd like to stamp things all day long. as long as they were CUTE stamps and the paper was pretty.

  7. Yes, get both. I enjoy stamping and have a habit of decorating out going mail now and again.


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