Monday, July 5, 2010

Shop Update

Mondays are SO much better when you don't have to work! Who knew?  I'm technically taking the day off from blogging as well as from my normal job, but I thought I'd pop in to give you a brief shop update. I've added 11 new pairs of bird hairpins to the shop in an array of colors. 

I was even feeling slightly patriotic in my styling!  These bad boys are $10 a pair and can be found here.  Hope you had a good weekend and I'll see you back here tomorrow. 


  1. Super cute! Yes, Mondays are amaze when you don't have to work....and it makes for a nice short week. :)

  2. These are great! I would love to see a picture of someone modeling them.

  3. the hair pins are totally cute! ♥

  4. The styling is darling, Christina! And the birds are sweet too!

  5. The styling is darling, Christina! And the birds are sweet too!

  6. I very much liked the way these are displayed. I hope you had a great weekend!


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