Friday, June 18, 2010

Plate Walls #99 -102

Some plate walls to begin this Friday (yay!)

Whew, we finally made it to 100!  100 plates walls and there's more to come :)
Happy Friday!

images 1 / 2 / 3 via on dressing up / 4


  1. Love it! Your unique obsession with plate walls has inspired me and I have begun collecting pretty plates on my thrift and antique store trips. I never thought much of a plate wall before I saw all these amazing photos. I will let you know when my wall is done...maybe it can be #101. :)

  2. Love the heart plate in pic #1 :)

    Happy weekend!

  3. ohhh i totally need a plate wall in my house! these are just soo lovely!! have a great weekend!!

  4. Lovely... I need plates on my wall!

  5. you and your plate walls :) i think you should do a follow-up with your favorite finds for those of us looking to incorporate the look into our own homes. or perhaps you have one in your home you'd be willing to share? i'd love to see! have a fabulous weekend with b!

  6. I love plates in the kitchen!! And these pictures show exactly what I'm talking about. They're gorgeous, aren't they?

  7. Yay, I'm happy you've decided to continue the plate walls!

  8. so happy you decided to keep going with this! You've spoiled us all with plate walls. Don't stop now!

  9. Awww, Christina! I've just sent my mum an email telling her to spot her plates on your blog. She'll be so chuffed. I'll keep a look out for more plate walls and send them your way. Your obsession is oh so slowly rubbing off on me....


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