Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Friday

Happy Friday dearest readers!  Do you have any fun Father's Day plans in the mix?  B and I are headed out of town tomorrow night to visit with his family and I'm hoping to see my sister and adorable niece at some point too.  I'm taking a wee break from the normal shop work this weekend but I'm hoping to get at least a few new items added including a fun new necklace (even when I try to take a break, I can never REALLY let it go).
Have a good one!

image via here


  1. spending time with my dad and brother down the shore - catching the sun!

    *kiss kiss*
    Happy Weekend!
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. oh dear but that picture makes me want to go matchy-matchy with my plants and outdoor fabrics! there is much pink in my future ...

  3. my in-laws are hosting a big family bbq. yummy food and sweet treats! hope you have a lovely weekend!

  4. No real plans but so happy the weekend is here... have a great trip and looking forward to the new necklace!

  5. Hoping you will have a great weekend! LOVE that photo, it just looks so relaxing! I'm planning to spend a little time at the quaint bar/restaurant called the ROOFTOP on this great 1920s hotel overlooking the ocean & bbq of course!
    xoxo Mary Jo

  6. Fathers Day was two weeks ago here in Denmark. We celebrated my childrens father with a nice breakfast and a present that could make noise and make him feel like at man: a new hedge trimmer :-)
    My own father lives in Greenland most of the time, so he has to wait to be celebraited until I see him next time.
    Have a nice weekend!

  7. A well deserved break for sure... Have a great weekend!

    The pic on its own is sooooooooooo inspiring... so casual.. so weekendish.. :-)

  8. that picture! i want to crawl inside it and never stop swaying on that porch.

    enjoy your weekend!!

  9. Enjoy. I am hoping for nice boating weather.

  10. When my husband gets home from a business trip (like this week) I so look forward to leaving the kids with him and having some "me" time. No such luck this weekend. Damn!
    Have a great weekend. Carol

  11. my dad and I are apart for father's day this year so I'll have to send him a long distance hug.
    sounds like you've got a lovely weekend planned : )

  12. hope you're having a lovely weekend!

    xo Alison

  13. I love this laid back outdoor space! Dreamy!

  14. Little nieces are always fun. Is it as grossly hot there as it is here?

  15. I can't seem to take a break from my shop either! My husband and I spent like 8 hours "hunting" for vintage stuff for the shop while we were in Florida last week. But it's fun work, and it was too hot to be at the beach or biking in the afternoon anyway. Shopping was probably better for our health than spending even more hours at the pubs :)


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