Monday, June 21, 2010

Vintage Photography Wall

Hello Monday and hello friends.  B and I had a great weekend visiting with family and I could really use another weekend to recover.  Since that's NOT going to happen, we minus well jump right in.  Last week, I ran across two vintage photography art walls that I thought were really interesting.  Definitely a traditional form of an "art wall", old photographs set out for display are a great conversation starter and can be an unexpected twist is a contemporary home.

I personally don't have many old family portraits, but I'm going start asking around and see if I can snag a few. I also can't remember the last time I printed out a photo which kind of makes me sad.  This also gives me an idea for my next wishlist post...
Happy new week to you!

images: 1 via Plush Palate;


  1. I agree that this is so special. I wish my family had more old photographs too, I'll start searching.

  2. I have a lot of framed family photos on my bookshelves. The wall is a great memory of family times and loved ones.

    Art by Karena

  3. It's funny I have this collection of photos that I find at the various thrift spots of people I don't even know, but when I look at them, I feel some sort of connection. Strange I know.

  4. What a splendid idea! I just discovered your blog and am SO happy to have found you!!! Gotta go and get back to reading your posts!

  5. I love it when, I wander off to find the powder room in a friend's home, and stumble upon the hallway, that has been transformed into an Alley of Family faces!

  6. I love old photographs, even of strangers! I always get some at flea markets, they're so inspiring!

  7. I have a gallery wall in my hallway filled with old black & white family photos. People love looking at them and they really do spark conversation. I love your examples and how they are simply tacked up instead of being framed. so charming.

  8. What a lovely idea. I too only have a few old photographs of my family, although my parents and aunt seem to be paring down their collections of everything, so I do have a few. Plus, my husband scanned some pics last time I was out visiting my parents. I need an entire day next trip to scan old photos.

  9. I don't have many portraits either. I need to get more photographs in general. I take a ton, but I never develop them.

  10. So fascinating. Really beautiful.

  11. these old photos are rad.

    i am the MORON in the family that never kept photos. so stupid of me. now i have to try and back pedal and get family members to donate some of them to me. they just wag there fingers at me and tell me to forget it! they don't want to part with the old photos that mean so much to them, and i can't say that i blame them.

  12. The wall is a great memory of family times and loved ones.
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  13. I would love this in my home.


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