Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Plate Walls #94-#97

Whoa, we're almost at 100 plate walls!  I'm delaying the inevitable because I don't know if I should stop posting them or keep going.  Help. Are you tired of them?  Should I stop?  I need your opinion.

Huge thank you to Susan for sending me some awesome plate walls this week! Feel free to visit the plate wall archives if you'd like to see how just how deep my odd obsession runs.

*images 94) via Design*Sponge thank you Mackenzie for the link; 95) Alexander van Berge via Desire to Inspire; 96) 7 Layer Studio; 97) Anthropologie via Beauty meet budget


  1. I love the last image - the colors are beautiful.I would say to stop at 100, but you can always come back in the future and post some more.

  2. Don't stop! I love plate walls. :]

  3. I love your plate walls. Please keep going!

  4. We all have our "issues." I think that it's a fabulous collection. Are you using the latest plate hanger? I found it at the Container Store, and I love it.

  5. nah i'd keep em' coming ~ great inspiration for things we ALL can do - i love lookin' @ them and seeing which one's i want and what i would do with them!


  6. I love your plate walls and have referred my followers to you for the BEST collection of plate wall posts. You can't stop now, LOL.

  7. The last two here are really something! I love the green & black & then the red!

  8. I love the simplicity of the second one. Please don't stop posting these - your odd obsession has inspired me. Whenever I am at a thrift store, I am looking for plates in order to make a plate wall in my kitchen!

  9. I never thought about using plates...but I'm liking this.

  10. Love the color and whimsy - go for 100!

  11. ugh! That just reminds me of the awesome vintage plates of black and green butterflies I put back at the Goodwill. Damn that self control! They would have been perfect as wall art!

  12. you know how I adore your obsession...brought smiles each time you post them! It's your trademark, a girl can't help's a good thing! ;)

  13. Keep going, I say! As long as there are plate walls, there should be posts about them! Do you have this one by the way:

  14. i still like 'em, but please do as you see fit!

  15. Hi,
    I just came over and saw this great post! Can I you know how they mount the plates on the walls without seing any type of mounting material???? Love this idea!!!!!! :)

  16. Hi Sandy- the link that Lucy left is exactly what you're looking for:

    Good luck!

  17. Who says you need to stop? If you like it, keep liking it or else maybe looking at another plate wall will make you think, i wish i can share but i already hit 100.
    if anything, it's a mark of more to come :)
    if you love it, i still love it.

  18. I don't think in this case you need a number that ddictates your actions. If you love them, and findgreat ones, post them, no matter if you get to 100 or 217.


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