Monday, May 3, 2010

Plate Walls #88-93

via decor8 via Ikea

Yup, you read the title correctly, that's 93 plate walls friends.  We'll be at 100 soon and then I'll need a new obsession.  It's a little sad actually.  In case you're wondering what the previous 87 plate walls look like, you can find them in the plate wall archives. If you have a particular design obsession, please leave me the link.  I'd love to check it out (and maybe I'll feel a little less crazy knowing there are others out there).


  1. plate walls "88-93" LOL that alone says it all!! These are awesome! I love the first set! :)

  2. What a great obsession! I think it adds so much character to the room! I like it!!!

  3. For some reason I never think of decorating with plates. Some antique ones are so beautiful. I guess I'm afraid they will fall off the walls or something.

    Our walls are stucco in the living and dining room and brick in the kitchen. You need to be really sure you want to hang up something.

  4. I never get tired of your plate walls. Never.

  5. I adore this style idea! What a great way to make a collection a part of your everyday decor :)

    Happy Monday, my dear!

    xo Cat

  6. Love it! .. i'm hooked up too haha .. they add so much character :)

  7. Oh wow! Love the black and sepia of the first image.

  8. Love plate walls! My fave, out of this batch, is the plywood wall with a couple of simple plates. Beautiful.

  9. UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, THE FIRST ONE IS MAGNIFICENT!!! the best ever!!! i FARKING LOVE IT!!! seriously, i have to print it out. DAMMIT, I LOVE IT!!!

    perhaps you have passed the baton today, no?!?!? haha hahah!

  10. Ooooh! That top plate wall and interior - what I wouldn't give! So sophisticated - adore! Hope your show went well!

  11. Oh how romantic! Love that first one!

  12. It was nice to meet you in person too! oh and I love my little purchases. they are adorable.

    about the plates: my favorite image is that last one. those plates are by my favorite dutch designer ninainvorm.

  13. So funny, I just did a post on wall plates too!! Most people said that the style was a definate don't but girl, I'm really loving the pictures you posted... I'd do something like them!

  14. I am loving plates as wall decoration as well and want to have one in my home but have NO plates worth displaying! Love these pics.

  15. Wow what great inspirational photos here. I think this is such a unique trend :)

  16. love the dark walls, i think that would be wonderful in a bedroom.

  17. It is simply gorgeous here- so happy to have found you.
    Love your pretty banner.

  18. I love the first one with that gorgeous desk!!

  19. I think this is my favorite plate wall post, that dark wall with the desk and the pretty plates, (1st image) *sigh* lovely, just lovely!


  20. Ooh, I adore that last one! Almost to 100...

  21. Who says you have to stop?? I say keep going to 1,000!

  22. Hi there d & O chic!

    I wonder if you can help me at all? I am putting a little plate wall of my own with some chintzy finds ( my favourites) to hang up on the walls. However, I only seem to find the hangers that overlap the plates and I want to show off my whole plate. Do you know of any good online sites that I can get some from. I thought I'd better ask you, you seem a bit of an expert!

    Dayna x

  23. Hi DC,
    Here are a couple of helpful links for hanging plates...i think the disks are a good option if you don't want to physically see wires and such (second link):

    good luck!

  24. I just watched...oh shoot I forget which movie now...anyways, I watched some movie and it had plates on the walls and I thought of you and your mild obsession haha. I'll try to remember which movie for you :)

  25. the white dishes on that dark wall really pop - so clean and pretty!


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