Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Interiors: Black Clawfoot Tubs

Is it just me or does anyone else find a black claw foot tub to be incredibly...sexy?  They're definitely dramatic and can be as expensive, or affordable as you like (think paint). 

I think my favorite is the last tub, because although I like the dramatic feel of a glossy black tub, I think  in reality, I'm more a vintage- shabby- still sexy yet kind of run down- tub person. Our own claw foot is painted a light grey to accent our seafoam walls. What about you?  Do you like the intensity of a black claw foot tub?

images:  Marie Claire Maison1st-Option; Bella Casa Design {via La Dolce Vita}; Living Etc.; Apartment Therapy {via Tongue in Cheek}


  1. *sigh* i ADORE clawfoot tubs! - my boyfriends' mom has one - it's beyond dreamy!!! .. i'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to have any of those pictured above!!!


  2. I like it. I love watching older movies & especially ones where they show cities with apartments there is always a claw tub. I like the black part & I too like the last one. It looks more vintage!!

  3. This is my favorite style....I would proabably like it best in a light color though. I love the vintage feel of this.

  4. I love clawfoot tubs and these examples are pretty sexy! Wish I had one instead of my Jacuzzi tub!!

  5. sexy is the perfect word. i love this post.

    xo Alison

  6. i absolutely love claw foot tubs! yes, they are very vintage-sexy! my nana had one and my next home will definitely have one!

  7. i love each and every one of these! sexy indeed.

    also i'm sure you've already seen it but one of the designers behind seesaw designs was featured on design*sponge yesterday and guess what?! she's got a plate wall! i thought of you right away so in case you haven't seen it, you can check it out here:


  8. I have one from the old Montana Grand Hotel, after they made a restoration by taking out all the good old stuff.

    My friends lived out there, took the tub with them when the moved to Utah, where it sat in their driveway collecting snow.

    They sent it off to me in Cali, for a grand total of $500, that included the crating, the shipping and the delivery to my front door.

    We left the body distressed and all a mess, and just chromed the feet.

    you can see it on my blog post" The Curious Case of a Perfectly White Powder Room Turned Blue:

  9. Someday we are going to have one of those <3

  10. You gave the perfect description: sexy!

  11. YES. Love them! The thought of getting a clawfoot tub is one of the many reasons I want to move out of our condo.

  12. Nostalgic, when I was back in college, my rented apt had them!
    They were heavily painted & lost all the details!

  13. these are so great...and i love all the plant inspired decor around them!

  14. I would love to someday have the space for a clawfoot tub and I think the black accent would be perfect. But I'm a HUGE fan of all things black + white!

  15. we had one in my house growing up. I totally miss it!

  16. we have two claw foot tubs and I'm so wanting to paint one black like that. I need to convince the husband now.

  17. Love, love, love. Claw foot tubs are a serious covet of mine; hope I have a place with one, one day;)

  18. The rustic look on the last one is great. Never thought about one black until seeing these.

  19. I think I am more struck by how dramatically the bathroom entranceway opens directly to a view of the tub! Especially the photo from the viewpoint of the bed! wow! I am with you on the shabby vintage chic feel of the last one. The glossy black one is a bit too stark for my taste!

  20. I like the intensity of anything. :) It almost hurts to look at pictures of claw foot tubs, that's how desperately I want one . . .

  21. We've been looking at houses, and most of them in the area are Victorian with this bathtub style. The extra cost is a few grand! Worth it? I hope so!


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