Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Book Clock

Book clock - clock book, whatever you call it, it's pretty rad.  This novel invention (oh yes, I went there) is available in three different styles for $39 over at Forever is Today.

I like books, and I'm down with clocks (although you'd never be able to tell by my consistent tardiness), I'd just need to figure how to hang one of these on the wall. Or maybe I'd want to read the book first...oh the conundrum.


  1. hahahah oh the dilemma!! LOVE vintage books!

  2. Wow! these are amazing and good price:)

  3. THESE ARE CUTE!!! and you are a tardy girl?! no way! i think you are just busy and have trouble getting to everything. maybe?

  4. I saw this craft idea on the Today show (I think it was the Today show)...anyway - it's SUPER easy to make. You could easily stack it up on other books - or prop it up alone in a book case. Love it!

  5. what a cute idea!

  6. These are so cool! I want one! :o)

  7. Wow what an ingenious idea! I think it would be fun to have it on a bookshelf, but it may confuse some people!

  8. it would be super easy to make & all you need is a picture hanger on the back :)

  9. Sooooo I love books (obvs) and I like clocks, and I can totally imagine getting one of these for the sake of decoration. However, I'm too dense to read a clock unless the numbers are on there! Maybe that's too embarrassing to admit?

  10. Brilliant! There are some book covers in my collection dying to be on display and looked at. perfect solution. Sx

  11. I love books and these are AWESOME... I totally want to make one!

  12. i wrote a post about this one on my shop blog--thanks for sharing it with us!


  13. hey
    I just made one of these myself
    and I'm not really i DIY-person
    it was fun and easy!


    best wishes
    Open house blog, Norway


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