Monday, May 10, 2010

Blowing Steam

This is a great illustration of how I feel today.  This Monday is kicking my a**. Check out all of Lilli Carre's  awesome moving illustrations here. Hope you're surviving ok.


  1. Wow! Cool illustration!
    Hope the day gets better for you..

    Loads of love,

  2. Ha ha ha! I'm having a pretty craptacular monday as well... think I'm gonna bail out of work early and take a nap!

  3. haha, that is so cute! aw, monday's are tough for everyone. hang in there :)

  4. Love this. Know how this feels! Hang in there, this Monday is almost over!

  5. oh no! tonight have a nice cup of tea and a cuddle from B!
    it will make a perfect ending to a stressful day!

    My day is going well, planted tons of plants in my garden that my neighbors have given me!
    will post photos soon!

  6. that is awesome!!! well, not the part about your Monday being a rough one...I mean the illustration!! Your Monday is winding down quickly!! Hope your Tuesday ROCKS! :)

  7. BREATHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...........tomorrow is an other day...try again.....;)


  8. I am cracking up, no words needed on that one. Are you having a MoAnday? Sorry tomorrow is Tuesday it will be better!! Kathysue

  9. Oh, boo, I also had Monday Morning blues too. Thank gosh Monday's over in Greece. I actually queued for over 100 people at a bank this morning and was there for over an hour - that sucked massively!

    Hope the rest of the week Super duper though sweetpea! Have a cupcake and a cuppa - will make ya feel oodles better.

  10. Sorry you had a rotten day. At least it's over now. Have a nice drink (even if only tea!) reeelax, have an early night, tomorrow is another day. And remember Monday is only a name not a state of mind.

  11. yeah.. sounds like a case of the Mondays! ;) I get those every Monday almost.. blah! :)

    Hey come check out the giveaway over at my blog! At least it should cheer up a Monday, with a giveaway! :)!it's a surprise! :)

  12. This is so great!! I used to get those days all the time before I kicked my day job to the curb - I always wished for a valve on my head to let the pressure out! : )

  13. diddo hun. this monday needs to end, now.

  14. Me too, lady! It's almost over . . .

  15. Hun I know your pain.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  16. Haha it actually took me a few beats to realise that the woman is a KETTLE (or that the kettle is a woman) ...I guess that's as good an indicator as any of how MY Monday is going...
    Almost Tuesday, now though. Phew.

  17. Ha ha !! I totally felt the same way yesterday! I hope your week is getting better though!
    Love this illustration.

  18. this is radical!

    i was SO STEAMED on my way to work today that i screamed and yelled and SCREAMED AND YELLED W/THE WINDOW DOWN at a jerk-off bus driver!!!

  19. this is how i felt today. i walked a mile to my favorite mexican taco hole in the wall place. i was starving when i came home, and of course, as soon as i set up my food, i accidentally knock over my huge smart water that spills all over the food and the carpet. i couldn't save wet mexican food :(

    i hope your day got better


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