Thursday, May 20, 2010

Artist: Michele Maule + Chair Series

I recently saved Michele Maule's shop to my favorites after finding her work on Paper n' Stitch.  I'm particularly interested in the chair series of paintings and prints. In these works, the chairs take on a sort of energy as they're forced to interact each other, tied by string.

You can purchase the prints at $20 or an original painting for around $200 in the shop. I think the pieces work best as a series, perhaps framed together and hung in a cluster. The second piece is my favorite as it seems to be the most "finished" but I think they're all really interesting.  *Now I'm having flash backs of art school critiques so I'm just going to leave it at this...visit Michele Maule, you won't be disappointed.


  1. These are great! thanks for introducing me to her work! : )

  2. My first thought was Marcel Duchamp...Love it.

  3. I credit you for a huuuuge chunk of my Etsy favorites. Everything you feature is always so wonderful.

  4. These are fantastic! I have a total thing for chairs. There are at least 3 in my garage at all times because we can't fit all of them in our house.

  5. are these prints of paintings? they're really wonderful.


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