Thursday, May 20, 2010

Table Setting Inspiration

After seeing these pretty table tops, I'm having the urge to throw a dinner party.  Too bad my own table would only allow for three people to sit, and even that would be a squeeze.

Have you seen the pretty table tops styled by Manvi over at Mochatini?  She incorporates new and thrifted pieces in her designs which makes them very accessible for someone on a budget.

So fresh and perfect for spring and summer soirees.  Are you planning any dinner parties?
{images: 1&2 Skona Hem; 3-5 Mochatini}


  1. These are so pretty!! I love all the colors & how the different shades of the colors make it look so beautiful!

    I'm actually throwing a Mary Kay cosmetic party with a dinner part before. I thought it would be something different. =)

  2. Explosion of beautiful hues! Love it. I especially love the silver heart on a plate; simplicity at its best.

  3. Love the settings in the blue/lavender hues! So gorgeous, no dinner parties in the works right now!

    Art by Karena

  4. loooove the stripey pink and floral setting. oh, my!

  5. this is lovely!!!

    i would KIND of like to have a dinner party, but i am not sure how well my friends would mix. it could be a disaster!

  6. What beautiful table settings. I love the first photo, especiall the hanging ring of flowers above the table.

  7. These are all so pretty. I love how colorful they are (I'm SO ready for summer!).

  8. How nice any of those would be. Lately it's honey can we get take out?

  9. These table settings are so lovely! I've been feeling inspired to set a pretty table too (your timing o this post is cool, I just posted about pretty tables too!). My 48" round table doesn't seat many people, so I have to get creative on the rare occasion we have quite a few people over. I usually spend so much time on the food that the presentation isn't very inspired.


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