What better way to celebrate the holidays than with a new selection of plate walls? I hope wherever you are, your plates are always full...

via Hello Tiger

via Abby Goes design scouting {sent to me via Lucy at Four Walls and a Roof}

via In(side) the Loop {sent to me via Jill at The Good Life for Less}

via we heart it {via A Publicitaria}

{via House of Turquoise via La Dolce Vita}

via automatism {source: Domino}

via we heart it via it's mary ruffle
via Desire to Inspire {via Dan Davis}

via beauty comma {via Christine Rudolph/Judith Miller}
If you'd like to see the growing plate wall archives, please click here.
The winner of the White Owl Giveaway is...lucky #63! That would by FLYNN! Yay Flynn, I'll be in touch soon! If you see this before I can get to you, please email me. Big thank you to White Owl for such a wonderful giveaway! Be sure to check out the shop for tons of holiday options.
B and I will be leaving shortly to make the Thanksgiving rounds with our families. I'll be back on Friday to announce the newest giveaway (it's going to be awesome!) Happy Thanksgiving to my domestic readers...
See you on Friday!
I love plates! I have them all over my house. I'm a bit of an "art phobe" and feel I can commit more to plates. Plus if I have a big dinner party, I can just take some off the wall ;) Happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations to the WINNER!! YAY!!!
i've seen walls of plates before, but i LOVE the one of the fish! GENIUS!
I think you should try and make a Christmas Tree shape of plates for a Holiday Plate wall....if it can be done, you are the perfect gal to do it!
these are my favorite posts!
Love wooden cutting boards!
Happy Thanksgiving Christina~
You've gotten me addicted to plates!
It's official... I never get tire of plate walls!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
such eye candy! thank you-
I always enjoy you plate wall pictures! The first photo is especially gorgeous! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
Those plates are beautiful!!! I like the Picture number 3 is my fave!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you! I hope you have a blast with the fam:)
The fish ones are clever :)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
The fish wall is so clever!
Happy Thanksgiving, Christina! I'm very grateful for you!
omg. i love these. Ive been looking for some of these and you did the work for me. i love the idea of wall art installations!
These are all seriously fabulous, bold and creative.
Fabulous Finds Gal
Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving with your family and friends!
Hugs from Italy,
Fantastic! I love plate walls - I have a vintage Washington State (my home state) collection!
Happy Thanksgiving for yesterday Christina! Hope you had a wonderful day! I love your plate walls - they are all so different!!
Adorable plate inspirations! My favorite this time around is the fishy shaped plates... how adorable is that?!
Hope you had a happy one!!
Oh-la-laaaaaaaa!!! I really like the first ones!!!
wow, so many fun ways to create a wall display. and yes, the fish wall is so cool.
Omg, fish plates!! That's seriously amazing.
i heart the fish places - such a great idea!
I think your plate wall obsession is as bad as my built-in bookshelf obsession. However, I totally encourage you to carry on! I may not ever have a plate wall, but I sure do love admiring the ones you post!
OMG, the fish! Love it. And that plate wall above the dining table is fantastic too! Unique idea arranging paintings and plates, I think I like it.
i'm wearing the giveaway necklace and it's gotten me tons of compliments just this morning. two women i don't know have stopped me in the hallways at work and asked if they could look at it. yay! thanks again :)
that publictaria plate wall is amazing.
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