Sometimes I wonder how I find the time to do anything with my Etsy shop. Working a non-related, office job kind of puts a damper on the creative goals. Alas, I've been a busy bee and here are some new creations...
Golden Pine Cones...for your ears $10
Golden Pine Cones...for your ears $10

Royalty...a purple hairpin trio $14

Mini Orange Mums...stud earrings $6

Mini Vintage Floral Cameo Earrings in brass settings $10

Mix and Match...vintage bird hairpins $9.50

{all photos via D&OC etsy}
I've decided to announce the Cottage Cheese winner tomorrow morning and I have a little surprise for you tomorrow as well, so don't miss it! (*wink, wink*)
what lovely pieces!!
I wish I could remember to produce something, any thing for my own etsy shop. It has been a very long time.
These are soo cute! My favorite are the pine cone earrings!
i am truly impressed by your creativeness, christina. congrats on your etsy shop and its success!
Very cute stuff!! xo Amy
You are amazing... I love the trio of purple hair pins!!
you are making such beautiful stuff!!! it is so good to know that their are creative forces behind office drone jobs. not that you are an office drone. but i sure am! hahahahahha!
LOVE the pine cones! I think this as a motif is going to be a hot new trend :)
i adore the bird hairpins, they are absolutely beautiful!
I adore your stuff!
I hope you made a lot of the pine cone earring!! they are my favorite!!! so sweet!
i want one of each!!!!!
The pine cone earrings are so simple and gorgeous, all at once. Lovely!
really pretty things there. never seen anything like them before which is a great thing.
lovely lovely items! i love hair pins!! :)
and seriously, props to you for being able to handle blogging, your shop AND having a full time job. i am not currently working at an office job and i barely find time to handle everything! i was working at an office last year so i know how hard it was to get motivated to be creative. but you are amazing so i am sure you will be fine! :)
xo. danni
ohh I love all the hairpins.
my eye just started twitching ....either I'm just that ridiculously tired...or your shop makes me giddy ...hmm I'm thinking its both :)
nightnight I'm EXHAUSTED :)
You are such a hard worker! Loving your new items. Those bird hairpins are too sweet!
I love the sparrow pins! They would match my tattoos!
Wonderful and creative. The Pine Cones earrings are so adorable.
oh, the vintage bird pins are just so adorable ♥
I gave you an award! Check it out here:
Love the pine cone earrings, BTW;) So cute!
Al of the new pieces are so cute! You know I love those little orange mums! The sweet golden pine cone earrings remind me of a necklace that I once had, and had totally forgotten about. I wonder what ever happened to that necklace? Going to search for it today and see if perhaps it's tucked away in my jewelry box. Fingers crossed...
Cute- love the hair pins!
Everything in your shop is so pretty - you're doing a great job!
so much goodness!
Those mini pine cones would make a lovely necklace... for those of us with non-pierced ears. :)
I've been trying so hard to find time to be creative, but lately, I've come up with nothing. I keep telling myself I'll find time someday soon.
How *do* you do it?
You do great product photos.
Don't know how you work, blog and run a business. I came home tonight, did an hour of ironing and I am DONE! (as in useless, not as in finished.)
Omg, those golden pinecones are gorgeous!! Nice and shiny and gold... just my style :)
Well, for being so busy you've come up with some awfully adorable pieces!
oohh! I love those gold pinecones, I just might have to make them mine ;)
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