Please tell me that you've missed my plate wall posts as much as I have! Ok, ok, I understand if you're not excited, but I held out as long ask I could and now I just have to share...
This circular set up works well with smaller plates surrounding a bigger oval one. The off set place is a nice, quirky touch.
Plates added to an art wall make for an eclectic, interesting mix. Even better when situated over the bed.
both previous images via Design Sponge
Dainty little plates adds to the country charm of this space.
via House of Turquoise
Quite possibly my new favorite plate wall provided by one of my favorite bloggers.
via Homemade Grits
My weekend included non stop work and what feels like a re-injury to my already gimp foot. My Monday will consist of a date with an orthopedist. Let's hope he's more savvy than my last doctor (which wouldn't take much really).
Did you have have a good weekend?
{Don't forget to enter this weekend's giveaway! Winner will be chosen tomorrow night.}

Dainty little plates adds to the country charm of this space.

Quite possibly my new favorite plate wall provided by one of my favorite bloggers.

My weekend included non stop work and what feels like a re-injury to my already gimp foot. My Monday will consist of a date with an orthopedist. Let's hope he's more savvy than my last doctor (which wouldn't take much really).
Did you have have a good weekend?
{Don't forget to enter this weekend's giveaway! Winner will be chosen tomorrow night.}
I do like this look--especially when using really brightly colored plates similar to the last image--it adds the perfect touch of fun :-) I had a very relaxing weekend...a little TOO relaxing...Monday is already giving me a headache :-( boo.
I love the last wall! Those bird plates are too fabulous!
Ah, my mum has the most fabulous plate wall - it's perfectly round, and each plate is one my parents have collected from their travels - so there's morrocco, turkey, italy, spain... so many, and all so so beautiful.
I'll have to take a pic one day to show you what I mean! x
Never get tired of wall plates...last pix- gorgeous!
Hope the orthopedist will take good care of you darling...
i have plates hanging over my nightstand that are printed with the andy warhol marilyn monroe faces. i love them!
I saw that first room and totally thought of you! It's awesome. I also love the last one. It's so crazy in a really good way. I hope your foot is okay. That sounds painful.
Loving this post! Those bird plates are so pretty!
NOt a fun weekend for me... lots of studying, but I almost through with all of that (for a few weeks at least). I hope you're foot isn't too badly reinjured... hope your appointment goes well!
I HAVE missed your plate wall posts! I especially love the one with pictures interspersed. Good luck with the orthopedist. Doesn't sound like much fun. My weekend consisted of lots of work and a sick child. Hopefully the week gets better as it goes along.
I love the plate wall, espeically the quirkier balance and placement. FABULOUS!
Hope your appointment goes well and sorry about your foot! Those plates look radiant on the last wall, love this post!
I'm currently in the process of collecting plates (it's taking me a bit too long....). But, either way, these give me some more great ideas! Merci!
So glad you're bringing back the plate wall posts! When are we going to see one at your place?
I never thought we could decorate our house with plates!! nice post dear.
The last photo is amazing! Hope that you will get some great advice from the doctor!
Before this I would turn my nose up to decorative plates, but now I must have. You've got vintage visionary style... does that make sense?
that last image with the birds is my favorite.
I love your plate wall posts!!
Oh, no.... I hope your foot heals quickly, this is not good. healing thoughts your way!!!!
These are some good ones! I'm working on Plate Wall collection too- need to find some good inspiration. I will send you my all-time fave once I capture it.
Good luck with the new foot doc! You are wearing good shoes at work, yet? (don't I sound like a mother...)
Oh I have yearned for another plate post. This one is so fabulous!! Good luck with your date. :)
Love the plates mixed in with frames. And that table & chairs in the first image!!
My mom always decorated with plates when I was little. Maybe I should dig up those old plates and use them inmy studio!
plate walls!!! pretty cool! especially that funky one with a plate a weeeeeeeeeee bit off to the side! love that!!!
i am so sorry about your foot problemas. lordy, injuries like that are awful!!!
i think my stupid ankle is on week six of healing (heeling -- ha!). it is somewhat better, but methinks it will most likely annoy me for the rest of my life. STOOOOOOOOOOPID.
Im still kind of against plates on walls...but your pictures make it look great ;)
ohh I love your plate walls! i HAVE missed the posts! I think they are great! Love the last one...tons of fun..and interesting! :) ugh that foot!! I am so sorry! I hope it starts to feel better soon...and I hope the new guy is way better then the first :)
hmm ... not completely sold on plate walls but i'm sure someone could do something kinda cool with them.
My Mom has a dining room plate display, but I never would have thought of putting them over the bed. What a fab idea!
I like plate walls but always when added to a gallery wall. I feel it creates more interest.
I love plate walls...I really do
Lol wall plates are great!
Oh and Hen, I'm getting in touch with everyone on my blogroll to help me with a new Discover the Undiscovered Blogs project I'm trying to kick start!
Let's Hear It For The Little People!!lol!
Info is here: please do help!
The birdie plates are my favourites - gorgeous and whimsical!
I like the plate walls a lot. LOVE the table and chairs in the first picture. And yay for the giveaway. Oh, wait. I can't win. I'm the give-awayer.
i still find them interesting..believe it or not...i have nothing on my walls...hmmmm....
Ooh, I love those three tiny ones! I'm generally a "more is better" kind of person, but that's awesome.
the last one is amazing. it would drive me crazy if someone described it me but the way it looks is so cool
I love jhon derian glasses! he make the most beautiful kind of decoupage I've never seen!
still love your blog!
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