I can never get enough of treating myself (if you can't tell). Whether it be alone time, a pilates class, a nice glass of wine, or a little something for under $10 I'm ready and willing to take care of me. I hope you're taking care of you too!
Here are my picks for this week's under $10...
Turquoise and red always making a stunning combination.
Turquoise Howlite Flower Brooch $4.50 (that is not a typo, $4.50!!!)
I can't get enough of small notebooks. I'm constantly jotting ideas down so I like to have a back up supply. These are created by a fellow blogger who's work I simply adore.
Pair of Peacocks $7
I love a little kitsch every now and again. This pair of salt and pepper shakers are too fun.
Classic Tin Salt & Pepper Set $5.95
I really want to learn to embroider. I'd put these vintage style lamps on tea towels.
Vintage Lamps $5
This reusable lunch sack had me at VW van.
RECYCLED Lunch Bag-VW Bus Lime $10
Have you found any recent finds for under $10?
{Hump Day Spotlight posts will be back soon. I'm taking a wee break from the series for now.}
Turquoise and red always making a stunning combination.
Turquoise Howlite Flower Brooch $4.50 (that is not a typo, $4.50!!!)

Pair of Peacocks $7

Classic Tin Salt & Pepper Set $5.95

Vintage Lamps $5

RECYCLED Lunch Bag-VW Bus Lime $10

{Hump Day Spotlight posts will be back soon. I'm taking a wee break from the series for now.}
Great ideas, thank you.
Just what i need... Some fabulous ideas to get me through the work week! Thank you!! xxx
Those are too cute! I love the journals.
All of these are so fun- but I really must have those salt and pepper shakers. Thanks for sharing these great ideas!
Treats are good. Treats under $10 are even better. Thanks for sharing!
I *need* that salt and pepper set. Matches my kitchen perfectly and is so cool. And I can't believe the price tag!
Ooh, I really want to learn to embroider properly too. Thanks for the great links. I love the lamps!
I love treating myself too! Great finds!
Great finds! I would love to embroider those as well!
GREAT IDEA with the lunch sack! That is now a DEFINITE buy for me! :) THANK YOU! How perfect are those salt and pepper shakers! Too fun! I love notebooks, I can never have enough. Ugh I can't say I've been seeing too much for under $10 treats! BUT now you've got me on the look out! :)
thank you.
<3 always!
so fun! I love the salt and pepper shakers!
Love these ideas! I'm in an embroidery frenzie...making tea towels, bibs (for my sis), onesies and anthing else I can think of. P.S. I want that lunch sack!
The embroidered 'lamps-on-tea-towels' are a great match up to the embroidered 'cast-iron-on-upholstered-headboard' just revealed on Design Sponge...
how cute ... I really like the brooch ... I treat myself with this lovely peas in a pod necklace at 6 usd :) and free shipping : http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=17150156 ... you like it ?
i love hump day on your blog!!! always treasures for a wee bit of cash!
I bought herbs at cvs for a 1.00 a pot. they were having a clearance!
Awesome finds!
Great blog! I'll be back soon!
i love the idea of embroidery!
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