Any of you that live with someone, whether it be a roommate or a significant other know that interior decor of your space is all about compromise. (Unless of course one of you is just a pushover, or you don't care, in which case maybe it's not a compromise). B and I both have some firm opinions about style and decor and sometimes we don't always see eye to eye. However, when I find something and show it to him and he loves it as much as I do, I can't help but do a little dance. I showed him this print and he LOVES it and I love him and the print, so everyone's happy!
Hopefully (fingers crossed) we'll be ordering it this weekend!
source: Hammerpress
B and I also have a DIY project planned for tonight and I say "B and I" b/c he's totally caught the DIY bug (which I happily gave him). I'm super excited b/c we'll be working on painting the kitchen chairs (and maybe the table) together, which means I won't have to wear out my pretty little arm on sanding (ugh). I'll update you with picture (of course!)
Also, I have another DIY project planned that I can't wait to begin and I ordered this fabric for it:
Amy Butler, Wallflower in Mustard, Lotus Fabric $7.50 per yard
source: Fabric Supplies by Charlie and Lindsay
I also ran across this project on the lovely blog, kelly + olive and now I'm on the hunt for the perfect wrapping paper (or maybe I'll use fabric?).
source: kelly + olive
There's so much I want to do and for someone who doesn't do a lot of DIY projects, I'm feeling really inspired lately (thanks to all you lovely bloggers). If I could just get a day off, I could really get some stuff done. Oh well, no complaints, I need to make the money for supplies. Finally, I'd like to share the hi light of my week with you and it just happened a few minutes ago over lunch:
B.- "So do you think you could send me that link with the fabrics you like, I'd like to look at them.
Me-"ummm (my eyes real big), ok, yeah right away."
B- "oh and we're running to JoAnn's to get some supplies for this weekend when you get off of work, right?"
Me- "Yes! Oh yes, please!" (thinking to myself "Have I died and gone to boyfriend heaven?")
Hopefully I'll have something fun to show you all this weekend so please drop by! Big cyber hugs to all of you!
B and I also have a DIY project planned for tonight and I say "B and I" b/c he's totally caught the DIY bug (which I happily gave him). I'm super excited b/c we'll be working on painting the kitchen chairs (and maybe the table) together, which means I won't have to wear out my pretty little arm on sanding (ugh). I'll update you with picture (of course!)
Also, I have another DIY project planned that I can't wait to begin and I ordered this fabric for it:
Amy Butler, Wallflower in Mustard, Lotus Fabric $7.50 per yard
I also ran across this project on the lovely blog, kelly + olive and now I'm on the hunt for the perfect wrapping paper (or maybe I'll use fabric?).
There's so much I want to do and for someone who doesn't do a lot of DIY projects, I'm feeling really inspired lately (thanks to all you lovely bloggers). If I could just get a day off, I could really get some stuff done. Oh well, no complaints, I need to make the money for supplies. Finally, I'd like to share the hi light of my week with you and it just happened a few minutes ago over lunch:
B.- "So do you think you could send me that link with the fabrics you like, I'd like to look at them.
Me-"ummm (my eyes real big), ok, yeah right away."
B- "oh and we're running to JoAnn's to get some supplies for this weekend when you get off of work, right?"
Me- "Yes! Oh yes, please!" (thinking to myself "Have I died and gone to boyfriend heaven?")
Hopefully I'll have something fun to show you all this weekend so please drop by! Big cyber hugs to all of you!
I wish that we had more similar styles, but the truth is all the decor in our apartment is all me! Haha, you should have seen some of the ratty decor and apartments my boyfriend was in before we moved in together!
Usually we pick out things together, and I do get his "approval" before getting something. But he's usually fine with whatever I pick out, he doesn't have much of an opinion when it comes to home decor!
love the diy project. and good thing i live compromises except when i dont have anyone to split the cost with, haha
Oh it is always nice to have a DIY project with ones husband/boyfriend.
I have to comment on your last project on this post: Don´t use wrapping paper - use wallpaper!!
Then you´ll get the right gloss, that is ment for decorating a room... says the wallpaper addict :-)
That conversations sounds like a dream! My guy is quite cooperative about my ongoing rearranging/redecorating/idea brainstorming, but rarely does he ever initiate anything in that regard!
Can't wait to see you diy projects!! Love that fabric. I've got my eye on the red version of this pattern.
you are so lucky that your BF helps out!!! I am half way through so many DIYs...I totally need a free weekend where I can finish a few things up! That fabric is lovely, can't wait to see the final results!
I seriously don't know how you do it all! I can't wait to see all of your projects. Have a good weekend.
oh it all sounds so fabulous! I cannot wait to buy a house so we can get our hands dirty with DIY projects ..I'm so jonesing for it.
i am cracking up! your man is INTO it!!! this is so great, and lucky YOU! i am the style maven (?!?!?!) in my house, but the man is very helpful hanging art and tolerates me whisking around him with a level trying to make sure everything is just so.
Cool print and I know exactly what you mean about compromise. My hubby thinks he's an interior designer. :)
Lovely fabric dear...You are blessed to get the BF's help! can't wait to see all your DIY... Great weekend beautiful to you & your BF as well!
your boyfriend seems to be on the right path - letting your interior design sense lead the way!
You have gone to boyfriend heaven... lucky you! He wants to look at fabric?!? Oh, wow... hold on to this one!
Can't wait to see your DIYs I'll be checking back over the weekend... please post your project!
I actually lol-ed when you relayed your conversation with B about fabric shopping. I'm excited to see how the projects go (hint hint pictures please!)
Good luck with all your perfectly charming DIY projects! I can't wait to see the results. Fortunately, the boy and I also have quite similar tastes but unfortunately we can't even get past managing to clean the house let alone interior DIY's!!!
Nice print...You made me remember the time when I was a kid I used to doodle something like that...a heart with an arrow
...of course just a plain shaped heart with my name and somebody special.
What a beautiful couple you should be! Reading your words it seemed to review me and my boyfriend when we do something together ... beautiful choices of decor, I especially like the design and color of the wallflower fabric... also in clothing, I really like that color
He knows the way to your heart ,
Oh, you two are just too cute! I love the fabric you picked out and the idea of that fireplace is just brilliant! Have fun DIYing:)
You are indeed a lucky girl! I'm helping my BF move into a fabulous industrial loft apartment, but I'm doing most of it myself to be honest! Oh well. Thanks for commenting on my blog, btw!
xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea :)
you two are so cute!! the fabric is gorgeous & fireplace idea is amazing!
Haha, you definitely have. Enjoy it!
I love the print- just gorgeous. My husband and I have pretty different styles- he loves far too much of his mother's country craft style for my taste- I'm much more of a simple modern gal. We've come to some serious compromises over the years! -e
I love the wallpaper/fabric treatment in the fireplace!
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