I've been meaning to get around to a couple of things...passing on blog awards and responding to a tag. I think I'll combine it all in one post.
There are many blogs that are dear to me and that I don't go a day without reading but since I have to narrow it down, I'd like to pass this onto (does this make anyone else uncomfortable to have to choose?):Thank you to On Dressing Up for this very sweet (and well designed, I might add) award:

Adorably Distracted
I also received the Creative Blogger award (I'm sorry but I refuse to spell creative w/a "K.") This award has been around the block a time or two so if you've already received it, maybe you can pass along the love. Thank you Our City Lights! I think I'm supposed to list 7 things I love before passing this but check out the tag below...

I'd like to pass this lovely award to a few special bloggers...
Wow, there are so many more blogs I would love to pass these too but I imagine my list would get obnoxious.
I was tagged by Technical Support and Adorably Distracted with a challenge of listing 6 things that I love (and that are unimportant). Well, if I love something, it's probably important, but here goes:
1) I love Q tips. Have you ever heard of an ear-gasm?
2) Back scratches are so nice, especially when administered by B.
3) I love the way my dog's bellies feel (and they have no problem receiving tummy rubs).
4) Claritin- D. I would not survive allergy season without it.
5) Ben and Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie ice cream...To. Die. For.
6) My bed (which I should be in right now).
I'm not going to tag anyone...but I'd love to know something unimportant that you love. So tell me!
i just wrote an *i wish for list on my blog annd ben and jerrys made an appearance as well as allergies, my puppy and q-tips should have made it.. i dont think i could live without them.
I'm going to take a look at your favourite blogs (: I'm really curious.
Something unimportant I love?
The smell after rain in the summer.
O my goodness I can never ever use Q tips after a very very bad incident where I ended up in hospital with a needled down my ear! Eeeek. Be careful with those, girl! Honestly ;)
Important unimportant thing that I love -- the sound of rain on tin roofs.
Haha, you have a great list there. Minus the Claritin, I'm with you!
It makes me uncomfortable too!. Thank you so much for the award--it really is a well designed one and means alot coming from you!
And I have a similar q tip obsession!
thanks for the award!! that's so sweet. You know I love your blog too...and I'm off to check out the others that you named. lots of new ones :)
something that i love that is unimportant - my friend colleen gave me this really cool calendar thing - its made out of wooden blocks - 2 cube ones w/ numbers on them and then tree loong skinny ones (as long as the 2 number ones together) w/ the months on them. every day you play w/ the blocks to have the correct date. it is incredibly cute and hey, i get to play w/ blocks every day! i love it best when the month changes and I get to do that one too :)
congrats on the awards, you totally deserve them :)
q-tips are fab!!! and take it a step further and squirt some hydrogen peroxide in your ear (one at a time), tilt head so it travels downward, let bubble for a minute or two, and then tip head to drain before cleaning with q-tips. DIVINE. total eargasm. the only way to go!
p.s. you can use a ear cleaning squeegie suction thing to drop the peroxide in your ears. you know, that blue plastic thing shaped like a giant tear drop?
thank you so much for sharing your lovely favorite blogs with us!
Thank you for the award!! you're so sweet.
After a week of being sick, it was a very nice surprise:)
Thanks so much for the award - it means a lot coming from a blogger I admire!
Oh my goodness, you are sweet--thanks so much for the award, darling! On a side note, something unimportant that I love....I adore the smell of the pages in any old book. Odd, I know!! :-)
my foot shaver ("callous remover") . . . gross, I know, but I'm totally obsessed with it; Ivory liquid bath soap--makes the BEST bubbles, fills up the whole tub!!; drinking coffee at home while reading Vanity Fair; crossing things off my to do list!; downing cold water after exercising; sleeping on sheets I've just washed & dried; when babies put their heads on your chest/shoulder, awwwww :)
Oh, thank you for the award!
Hope you had a good weekend!
Oh thank you, thank you! Hugs and smootches are flying their way to you :)
By the way, loved the puppy belly rub comment!
Aww thank you love! Your blog is very deer to me also!! I hope you had a great weekend!
I LOVE your list...congratulations on your awards!!
Christina: Big Thanks. Big Love. Be Well. Teri
congrats! well deserved!
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