Oh, Sunday. Normally this is the day of the week I'm the most productive around the house. It's my only day off so I like to get the chores done w/some leftover time to rest. B and I have both been sick and, unfortunately, B woke up this morning feeling even worse. I've fed him orange juice, theraflu, and Teddy Grahams, and now he's sleeping. Instead of studying for the GRE (which I take at 8 am tomorrow) I've been finding other things to do (i.e. grocery shopping, going by the pharmacy where I met the slowest pharmacist ever, and now this...blogging). I am obviously desperate to put this test behind me w/as little preparation as possible; I believe I have been most successful.
Anyway, getting back to the topic at hand: copy cats. Yesterday, while at the shop, three girls came in (I'd say they were in their late teens or very early 20's) and one girl stopped to admire some rings by local artist Beth Cyr. She slipped one on, admired her finger, then abruptly put it back stating that she liked it "sooooooo much" but she thought her friend (we'll call her Claire for our purposes here) had a similar silver ring and she didn't want Claire to be mad for "copying" her. Her other friends tried to tell her she was being silly, but there was no swaying this girl b/c she really believed that Claire would be upset if she bought this silver band. Ok, either Claire is a dominant, over reactive, whiny "friend" or this girl was so insecure she couldn't buy something she really liked. So it got me thinking, at what point are we actually style "copy cats?" Where do we draw the lines b/w trends and simply reproducing a look? Or are there really clear lines? I know it stinks to be excited about a purchase to later find out your bff has the exact same thing in 5 different colors, but in a small town and w/a limited supply of money, you're not always going to have the most unique look. I feel bad for this girl, though, b/c she didn't really take the time to look at the handmade, thin, hammered patina ring she had on. If she had, she would have realized that it was unique piece and that Claire probably bought her ring at Target anyways, so she had nothing to worry about. I'm worried for this girl b/c I imagine the next white v-neck she comes across that fits perfectly she'll have to turn down b/c chances are, Claire already has one.
Here's what I'm talking about:
These are some of my other favorites:
Simple, elegant, handmade jewelry at an affordable price?
Sold (and I don't care who already has it).
Man, I'd say claire is definitely a bitch.
Have you seen american teen? I think you would appreciate it for the soul purpose of seeing what claire really looks like (meagan).
Good luck on your test tomorrow!!!!
Whenever I lose confidence, I copycat:P
aww, thanks love :) though i must say i am sad for said girl for fearing of being a copy cat. i do wonder what might be in her heart as maybe she felt like she was a copy cat. ie - envious of what claire had and setting up a dynamic in which claire felt she did have a copy cat friend. the only reason i say that is that i had a friend who.. um, yeah, in high school more than 10 years ago (ouch) became a seeming copy cat of mine - from clothes to music to deciding she liked art class and copying art projects. none of which i am sure she is in to now as after high school she quit talking to me or being my friend. teenagers are weird. maybe claire's a bitch or maybe she's just tired of someone who is refusing to try to find their own identity. either way, its too bad she just didn't buy the ring! i'm all for people being copy cats when it comes to wearing my jewelry ;)
ha! i definitely remember the "copy cat" friends that were just plain annoying. i'm so glad to hear from you though.
(thanks for following my blog!!) xx
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