Friday, November 30, 2012

24 Merry Days

Happy Friday! Today I want share with you a really cool project that Audrey from The Little Street has put together. 24 blogs offering some pretty amazing giveaways over 24 days. The fun starts tomorrow, December 1st and runs until the 24th. D&OC is giving away TWO awesome prizes on December 20th and the winners will be chosen the 27th so if you happen to win, you'll get some new goodies for the New Year.

With 24 giveaways happening and seven days to enter each, there's a good chance of winning something! Check out the 24 Merry Days website and click on the boxes to to see which blogs are participating. It's a good group and I'm happy to be a part of it! 

Image designed by Gloria at Little White Whale Studio for 24 Merry Days

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