Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wise Words + New Blog Look

quote by albert einstein via here (found via this pin)
This quote is a bit of a mouthful but it's so true, isn't it? I was having a heart-to-heart with my sister last night about change and I kept thinking about these words. Sometimes we have to make some hard decisions in order to illicit different results, know what I mean?

And, speaking of change, I hope you'll take a moment to check out D&OC's new look. I've tried to make things look a little cleaner around here. I did not have the funds to pay a designer this time around so I went the DIY route which is scary since my graphic design skills are close to non existent. I gave it my best effort though and I hope you like it!


  1. Looks great! Love the colors and graphics... this is much better than any "DIY" i would do ;)

  2. I agree with this quote and you 100%! There has be change to improve. I love your new look! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  3. I like it a lot, I noticed it the other day :)

  4. you did a great job, christina!! looks so fab here.


  5. I haven't been to your blog in quite a while. I love your new look. Pinning you to my blog love page so it won't be so long before I visit again! Cheers!

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