Monday, December 3, 2012

Herbivore Botanicals

Herbivore Botanicals is a small business based out of Seattle featuring 100% natural, vegan, handcrafted skincare products. I was first attracted to this brand by their packaging but now I have a few of their items on my must buy list including this set of bath salts. This shop even has options for the gents (see man soap and beard tonic).

24 Merry Days is in full swing. Check out the following giveaways:
Day #1 - Win a $300 gift cert to Kirribilla over at 79 ideas.
Day #2 - Win a screen printed map by Famille Summerbelle over at Fellow Fellow.
Day #3 Win a win pom pom gift set by Potter and Butler and bracelet from Jelanie over at Sugar & Cloth.


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