Monday, December 6, 2010

Another craft fair come and gone

This past Saturday was the 283 bar annual Holiday Market.  Beth Cyr and I planned and organized it this year and we had a great turn out.  Round up a group of artists and crafters in a bar and serve spiked apple cider- how could it not be fun? Here's a glimpse of my table: 
A big thank you to everyone who came out and supported us.  An extra big thank you to the amazing vendors that participated.  
Have you been scouring your local craft fairs for holiday gifts this year?  It's my favorite type of shopping, no doubt about it! 

p.s. winner of the $50 gift cert to Friedasophie is #23 Molly


  1. Your table looks awesome!!

    I went to a craft show with my mom yesterday, it was my first time in awhile going as a shopper instead of a crafter. It was so much fun! My only regret is that I already did most of my Christmas shopping, so I didn't have an excuse to buy very much stuff. :-P

  2. OOOOoOOoo those lil sewing machines are the cutest things ever!!! =) Glad your craft fair was successful!! Your table looks great! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  3. What cute pieces!!! They look like candy!

  4. How cute! And I'm glad to hear you had a good turnout!

  5. Your table looks lovely! Glad the evnt went well.

  6. Everything is darling. Hope the show was a success.

  7. Your display and jewelry look so nice.

  8. The look of your table is exactly what I am attracted to when I am shopping.

  9. your table looks fabulous! i hope you made some mad cash!

    i have been one one local craft fair, and two gigantic ones are happening next weekend. i plan to attend! :)

  10. Your table looks so charming, Christina. I hope your success grows to have a chance to travel to California (for my selfish reasons of wanting to meet!)


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