Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Weekend

Happy weekend friends.  I have lots to do this weekend including throwing a friend a tie-dyed party (when was the last time you tie-dyed something?) and preparing for an upcoming craft fair.  As you may have noticed, I've closed my etsy shop due to my hectic schedule, but I'm still selling work locally.  I'm hoping one day I can have an online shop again, perhaps when the timing is better. Anyway, what are you doing this weekend?  Have you started preparing for the holidays yet?  

p.s. you should enter this week's giveaway if you haven't already...


  1. tie-dyed party! FUN!!
    Haven't done it in ages...
    Lovely weekend Christina!


  2. Ooo a tie-dyed party is so different. I like it!! I hear ya on the busy schedule. I'm running everywhere this weekend! Have a good one!! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  3. Have I started preparing for the holidays yet? I started x-mas shopping in August. But I'm weird.

  4. Oh my gosh, the last time I tie-dyed something was at a summer reading program at the library when I was about 10!

    Good luck with the craft fair! I actually have one tomorrow and another one next Saturday. Definitely feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. ;-)

  5. Sounds fun.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  6. Good luck with the pending craft fair! I have one tomorrow and one in 3 weeks. This is definitely the time of year for selling if you sell stuff :).

  7. Mmmm...breton stripes...

    The answer to your question is I have never ever tie-dyed anything. Or even dyed anything. And Christmas fever has hit me early this year - I'm already scoping out all the Christmas shops and buying my advent calendar :)

  8. Oh tie-dye is super fun - I'm also quite partial to batik (you know hwen they put wax on the fabric and then die it). Sounds like you are super busy which is terrific !! Have a lovely weekend!


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