Monday, November 15, 2010

6 things (Supermarket Ed.)

Normally, I share my recent favorite six items from Etsy, but I'm feeling snazzy this Monday morning so I thought we'd change it up and take a look at the many lust-worthy items on Supermarket.  I'm definitely feeling the push of the holidays, so I'm interested in gift worthy items like these:

The winner (randomly chosen by of the Gaby Burger Designs $50 gift cert is... #48, Lizzypunch!  Congrats.


  1. Yellow and grey is a favorite color combo of mine! I need to visit Supermarket more often:)

  2. I love how a muted grey can take a vibrant yellow right into the winter months!

  3. Love all your picks, especially the clock and calendar. I won a letterpress calendar last year and it's one of my favorite things (that I might not have bought for myself) so I think it's a great pick!

    p.s. Thank you for your kind comment about my new line, I appreciate it!

    xo Mary Jo

  4. Yellow just seems to perk up anyone's day! Don't forget to check out my Christmas giveaway if you haven't already!

    Kori xoxo

  5. thanks for including us. love your blog!


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