Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wishlist 10.24.10 + Housekeeping

I hope you're enjoying your weekend.  I normally don't blog on Sundays but company with three dogs and no husband has left me feeling kind of bored AND I couldn't wait to share my latest wish list item. These folding Pantone chairs would be perfect for an outdoor patio or to bring out when needed for extra seating at a dinner party.   At $69 a piece, buying a set hardly seems daunting.

Now the the general housekeeping I wanted to mention- in an attempt to clean up the layout of D&OC, I've simplified the content on the sidebars.  You can now find the ever growing blogroll on it's own page.  I also wanted to mention that I'm regularly updating (a few times a day) my tumblr with lots of inspiring interiors.  I hope you'll check it out! 


  1. oh! i love these chairs so much! i think they'd be a great idea for just about anyone - but graphic designers and artists in general will swoon over them! ha! thanks for the find, christina. xo.

  2. I love your tumblr site,I am always inspired on your finds!!
    The pantone chairs remind me of my grandparents who had a card party once a month with the old style folding chairs!

  3. I like the new layout and those chairs - they are adorable!

    I need to contact you about advertising for the holidays {if you still have spots left}. I will email you sometime this week!

  4. Those chairs would be perfect for a party. I would be tempted to get one in every color.

  5. I adore these chairs! I think a few hung on the wall of my studio would be fun and functional! :)

  6. UM, these are ADORABLE!!! love them!

  7. These chairs are amazing...I'm tempted to say they look just as good on the wall as they do on the floor!


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