Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!  I don't know about you, but I am definitely looking forward to the weekend.  B and I are dog sitting while our friends go on a belated honeymoon.  That'll be three dogs in the house.  Wish me luck!  What are you doing this weekend?

A few things I had to share from this week:
- This post was one of the best I've read in a long time.  A blogger shares his story of triumph over other's ignorance and cruelty.
- A speech on compassion which gave me a lot to chew on.
- Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Ruche went and opened a home section in the online shop.  I want this for my office and this for my niece's bedroom.

image: a field journal


  1. Oh Ruche Home...that could be dangerous...but off to check it out! :)

    Happy weekend!

  2. Ruche Home! So exciting.

    Great speech by the Dalai Lama too...

  3. 3 dogs! sounds like a busy/fun weekend to me! you should take them to the dog park! i've always wanted to do that i need a dog first...

  4. Your blog is so beautiful, I love it! :) I hope you have a fantastic weekend.



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