Monday, September 13, 2010

Thank you

Happy new week friends!  I just wanted to thank all of you for you lovely comments regarding our little wedding.  I'm hoping to get more pictures posted soon as long as a comprehensive "review" of the events, but it may take a couple of weeks.  I'm completely aflutter with resuming normal life and I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things by tomorrow.
I wanted to give a heartfelt and special thank you to my guest bloggers last week.  Guest blogging can be a tedious and time consuming thing but it's a great part of this community and I don't take for granted the time these lovely ladies spent keeping D&OC alive and well while I was gone:
Mallory from Where the Lovely Things Are
Micaela from The Drifter and The Gypsy
Ally with From the Right Bank
Lesley from Homemade Grits

Thank you!!!

image:  Sammy Seagull by Wayne Payne $55


  1. I so very look forward to seeing more pictures from your beautiful day :) Happy married life to you!

  2. Congratulations on your beautiful wedding!!! I wish you all the happiness in the world! p.s. I love the painting of the seagull you have posted here, soooo cute!


I do my best to respond to your comments. If you are asking a question, please make sure to check back in the comments sections for a response.
Your comments make me so very happy. Thank you!