Friday, September 10, 2010

Guest Post: Homemade Grits

 Homemade Grits is the first blog I ever followed, no joke.  Lesley is a dear friend of mine and is a talented writer, pop culture guru, seamstress, mother, wife and all around talented blogger.  Enjoy!

on my wishlist: campy edition

first up: these
for traipsing around in search for the perfect campfire
logs. bonus...these buy a kid in need a pair of shoes. yes, they're

these darling knee
would certainly help you blend right in.

i tend to dress from the shoes up. note my priorities. what would be
cozier than this perfect-for-early-fall sweatshirt

last but not least, i don't believe in not accessorizing.
camping=plaid. enter this adorable headband.

all you need now is the perfect
and a warm beverage.
*best wishes to my dear friend christina and her b! i'm so happy to be a guest on down and out chic.  in keeping with the spirit...all of these items are under $100!

Homemade Grits' links: Blog / Shop / Twitter


  1. This is pretty trashy pop culture reference (but it was forementioned in posting), but the girl in the sweatshirt dress is the daughter of Danielle from Real Housewives of New Jersey (and I have not had cable since Feb., so I would imagine not being the only one to pick that up). Cute Campy stuff

  2. i absolutely love the sweat/dress and the socks are just adorable!!

  3. The only thing I like about camping is drinking around a fire. ha! So not interested in sleeping on the hard ground in a hot tent and not having a shower, but that tent is cuuuuuuuuuuute!

    Love you Les, and congrats Christina!

  4. that tent is SUPER SUPER Cute! I think I'm in love!

  5. That just may be the nicest looking tent i've ever seen.

  6. fab post!

    and miss christine, hope you are married, relaxed, chilling, enjoying life, and FEELING FINE! congratulations to you and the mr.!!!!

  7. I want all of these!! Makes me want to go camping :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh my gosh, I want those knee-highs!! Also, I love everything in thelittleprints shop! :D

  10. hi christina! just stumbled across your blog. wow! its been a long time! clint and i are doing well and expecting our fifth child. :)
    come on over to my blog and see pics!
    awesome blog, by the way!


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