Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Interiors: White, Yellow, Black

Classic, clean, modern with a touch of warmth and a splash of color.  Sometimes this combo can be too sharp for my tastes but I think this space gets it just right.  Hope you're having a good week and happy hump day!

images: Otthon


  1. I like it!! The yellow is such a pop of color!! I LOVE the tree on the wall with the black orgami birds! It's so cute! As soon as I get into my new condo I'm coming back here for some inspiration!!

  2. I don't really think to work yellow into my living spaces, but those pictures are all so amazing! Right now my bathroom is all black and white, but maybe I'll have to work some yellow into it. :-)

  3. 2nd photo is my fave - and considering i have black pants on, white top and yellow shoes - i think i like the combo :o)

  4. I spy that tree with the black birds on the wall in the 3rd photo.

  5. Pretty pretty!

    I really love the kitchen!

  6. Love love this combo, always a winner in my book,Kathysue

  7. love it! my love for yellow is coming back! xo

  8. Im in love with this post. It is exactly what I look for in decor!

  9. Those little pops of color are delightful! I love clean modern, but not stark modern, so I agree that this is a tough look to pull off. Lovely spaces here.

  10. i love the b&w combo, as long as it is not cold and clinical and bachelor-pad-ish! these are some very nice examples of how to do it right!

  11. Ooh - I love this colour combination. The little pops of yellow make such an impact. LOVE!!

  12. Oooo. Nice rooms. I like the artwork in that last one. The right amount of color for me.


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