Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Guest Post: Where the Lovely Things Are

If you love indie products and all things handmade then Where the Lovely Things Are is definitely a must read.  Mallory has an eye for the best in independent design, art, and all things related and was recently an Etsy guest curator. Mallory will be posting twice here this week and I know you're going to enjoy all of her amazing finds.

Hello!  I'm Mallory from Where the Lovely Things Are and I'm ever-so-pleased to be guest posting while Christina is off celebrating her marriage.  As love is in the air over here in Down and Out Chic land, I thought I'd put together a few fitting finds for that mood.  I hope you like them!
At the top of this post a tote from Every Little Counts, and then we have a pair of prints from Gemma Correll and Hillary Bird.
Next, a print from Caitlin Shearer, card from Fugu Fugu Press, print from Sarah Ryan, card from Sass & Peril, and a card from Bowerbox Press.
Finally, a print from Bonbi Forest and another from Art School Girl.

Where the Lovely Things Are Links:  Blog / Twitter / Tumblr


  1. Everything is super cute!!


  2. I have a shirt from Every Little Counts (a gift from a dear friend) and I LOVE IT! It's the Anais & Henry shirt, and it's amazing. :)


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