Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Guest Post: Drifter and the Gypsy

Today's guest blogger is the lovely Micaela from The Drifter and the Gypsy.  Micaela's blog is full of romantic, whimsical photography and design inspiration.  She recently started sharing her own photo shoots with her readers and I asked her to share a little bit of her creative process with us.  Micaela  is a young blogger and at 16 years old she is already inspiring thousands.
Hi everyone! My name is Micaela and I run The Drifter and the Gypsy, an inspiration blog where I blog about, well, everything that inspires me.  Today, I am going to share with you a passion that was born out of my photography blog.
I started photographing nature and people to try to capture the same dreamy and vintage mood of my blog a little less than a year ago.  What started out as a hobby has become an active part of my life.

It's funny how photography changes your perspective on your surroundings.  Quite often I think to myself, "That would make a great photo!."

Well, thank you, Christina, for letting me a part of your lovely blog for the day!  You can check out more of my photography on my blog, where I periodically post my photoshoots or on my Flickr.

all images:  The Drifter and the Gypsy


  1. Micaela-
    Beautiful images! You have an amazing eye for photography.

  2. beautiful photos! how amazing to be so young and with so much talent. but also possessing direction! keep it up.

  3. Gorgeous pics! I especially love the sparkly lavender eyeshadow in the third pic!

    Thanks for sharing and inspiring!



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