Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wishlist 8.26.10

I realize it's a little absurd to include any sort of kitchen related items on my wish list after receiving so many kitchen gadgets at the recent wedding showers, but I can't help myself.

 This sailboat salt and pepper shaker is stinking adorable.  It's available at Our Workshop for £33.00 which also makes it a bit of a splurge (around $50) and although I probably won't be purchasing it for myself, I think it would make a great, unexpected gift for someone else.   Hmmm, I guess that makes this a gift-giving wish list item.


  1. that might be one of the cutest things i've ever seen!

  2. Seriously, it's ridiculously cute. I love it!

  3. Salt and pepper will never be the same. What a great gift!!

  4. Good thing my sweetie hasn't seen these.

  5. ooh these are really really cute, didn't even realise they were sail boats!


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