Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Weekend

Happy Friday!  I want to let you all know how grateful I am for your sweet comments regarding  my mom and her illness.  I'm always hesitant to share personal info on this blog, but when I do, I'm reminded that we are all bound by common human experiences (including physical and mental illness) and this simple fact makes me feel much less alone.  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Due to my current unpredictable schedule, I've decided to close the Etsy shop for a few weeks.  I'm hoping to have it re-opened with some new items, but I'll keep you updated.  For now, B and I have a weekend ahead of us full of cleaning, re-organizing and general preparation for our wedding and vacation.  I can't wait (for the wedding not the cleaning)!  What are you up to this weekend?

images: beauty in everything (source unknown)


  1. just found your lovely blog.
    i'm so sorry to hear you have a family situation going on.
    wishing you a peaceful weekend and healing for your mom

  2. hope your mom get well soon, darling. have a relaxing weekend. xo

  3. We are truly sharing a wonderful community indeed~
    All the best Christina!


  4. I'll be working on my office make over some more - this weekend: shelving/bookcase thingee! Wahoo! Good luck with cleaning & organizing. And as always, best wishes for your mom. Have a great weekend!

  5. Mental illness is present in my family and I know so well the heartache. Hang in there

  6. we are all here for you sweet friend. praying your mom gets better and for your whole family during this time..especially when you're getting married soon! let me know if you need anything! xo.

  7. I hope you have a nice and relaxing weekend. Thinking about you!

  8. cleaning and gardening, lots of gardening. then to a house warming party!
    have a wonderfully fun weekend.

  9. Yay, just found your blog and I love it!

  10. Just been catching up on your last few posts. Sorry to hear about your mom.
    Hope your weekend went well


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