Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Interiors: Whisper Soft

Just some soft interiors to help bring some calm to this busy week.  Have you noticed my love for sea foam has gotten a little obsessive lately? I'll try to keep it in check because I think I can only handle one obsession at a time.

images 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


  1. I really enjoy the seafoam. It's a lovely summer cool that makes me think of coolness. And in this 100 degree weather we're having right now, I'll take all the cool I can get.

  2. Ahhh, beautiful interiors. The room in the first pic is so light and airy - very calming. I want to remake my living space to be just so.

  3. Just found your blog via Cottage and Vine. Love it. I need a good cup of coffee and to sit back and read for awhile (:

  4. Love the softness of these rooms. I never seem to be able to achieve this look, no matter how much I work at it. L I tend to select dark and bold colors/items. Plus, I always buy things I like whether it goes with anything or not, so my look is just so very very eclectic. These pictures make me want to go with a softer pallet.

  5. The fifth picture ... oh that bedroom is those beautiful soft colors ... my absolute favorite.

  6. soft and calming and beautiful. but not TOO SOFT. not dull. juuuuuuuuuust right. :)

  7. I love these room styles! My fav is that curtain on a string. So simple and pretty.

  8. im in love with the second picture . i love everything about it . the soft mint colored curtain and soft grey bed sheets .. & the turquois bedframe ! all coordinated with the bit of white that's pulling all these colors together !

  9. These are pretty! I know what you mean about seafoam, lately I've been obsessed with seafoam milk glass--it's gorgeous! Hoping your week is going great!
    xo Mary Jo

  10. I like the fourth picture- I have some artwork in the dimensions of that flower panel and i'm always at a loss on how to display it--I think i'll try something similar with mine. :)

  11. What a pretty home - I absolutely love the living room, especially that wood end table.


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