Monday, July 26, 2010

Interiors: Mirror Collections

I wonder if maybe I have a touch of OCD with my strong inclination towards grouping and collections?  I like wall decor that pushes an idea, much like plate walls, mirror walls are a great way to display a collection of vintage/thrifted/or found pieces.  They needn't be framed or fancy; I like mirrors best when they have some age and wear on them. What do you think about these mirrored collections?
I searched through my archives and found three other posts on mirrors that you might like if you're looking for some wall decor inspiration:  oversized mirrors, unframed mirrors, any mirror will do

images: 1) the cottage log  2) haute design 3) this is glamorous


  1. Funny, there is a Feng Shui thing that state, there should be a mirror for every face the dwells in the space but, not not disorient the people in the place.

    I do believe this is my new "thing".


  2. Okay, so I am probablly the only one here but mirrors creep me out just a bit (do you remember the "Bloody Mary" rumor from gradeschool days?). A few are okay around the house (a girl has to check her hair and clothes) but a whole walll...creepy :)

  3. cat- i do remember bloody mary, creepy indeed! i still enjoy mirrors as long as there's no chanting going on in front of them :)

  4. would never think to put all those mirrors on a wall but it totally works!
    Hope you had a great weekend Christina!

  5. I love mirrors and have so many in my house! I have never thought of grouping them like this...I love it.

  6. i love the idea of decorating with mirrors...probably i'm just a little vain :)

  7. i think they're lovely (just checked out your previous posts on this topic) and love them all....
    reminds me of that mirrored entryway (jessica Helgerson- I think) that's doing the rounds these days.. :)
    Nice post.

  8. hmm..too many mirrors might give me an inferiority complex on a bad hair day. plus if they break you have 7X bad luck.

  9. LOL LOL LOL!! I'm guessing you don't have OCD, on any level. These are totally awesome. I have to say, that I LOVE the mirror walls. {more then the plates..ACK sorry!! don't hate me lol...err or throw a plate at me ;) } Especially love the idea of putting the picture frames in the front!! XOXOXOXOX

  10. Really do like the look of the grouped mirrors... and actually the grouping of the plates too. Wish I was bold and committed enough to the idea to do it myself....

  11. I like lots of mirrors. Anything to make a place look bigger and well lit.

  12. oh my!! these photos are amazing. i absolutely love mirrors as well! :)

  13. These are fantastic!! The last one especially! Mirrors are great for opening a room up, aren't they? Don't worry about your love of collections and groups - I think we all love these things us humans!


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